Saturday, October 30, 2010

That's it, Ambivalence.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I really need to stop waking up at 12pm.

What is wrong with me,
it's only about a week away from A's and I still don't got the motivation to get out of bed.
Smacks face times ten,
2 weeks to A's.
Hahahaha even though I'm very past counting down.

Anyway to prevent my cavity from becoming worst,
I carry a toothbrush with me everywhere I go now.
And and I bought a handy dandy Eye Mo so that my eyes would stop swelling.

I had Ikea's Salmon with Byje yesterday.
And Organic Mushroom Soup.
I like.

Stayed over at Cuifen's yesterday too.

You know I really really love walking on the streets at 3am when it's so chilly and serene,
like yesterday.
The weather was Perfect and there wasn't a single soul around so the night felt like it was exclusively mine.
I need to getaway to a winter country immediately after A's,
even if it means alone.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Me thinks I'm going blind soon.
My eyes are so swollen that they look like goldfish's puffy lips.

Anyway I'm banned from sweets forever because I feel a cavity coming again.
Pooong, I love sweets.
Suckssssss. ):

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Love koping free internet from Wireless SG.

Since my time here I've seen a thousand free people pass me,
I wanna be free too.
Figured that the haze got not only me but a lot of others sick as well,
which is a pretty bad thing cause exams are so so near.

Anyway random craving for Soup Spoon Mushroom Soup got me taking a train all the way down to Vivo after church.
And right now I feel like impulsively going into Sentosa since I'm an Islander member and it's free and the weather looks good.
But that's just a thought.

Laura's 21st party yesterday.
And I've concluded that the oldest brother cannot play Bridge,
Right Salad and Sherlyn?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Great, so I'm down with the flu and there are no cold tablets at home.

I just wasted two days of not studying ):
Cannot fall ill now ):
I've used up an entire box of tissue since noon,
not a good sign.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I think the exams are making suffer from senile dementia.
Twenty minutes ago I was going to cry cos I misplaced my favourite black pen which I was using just five seconds ago before I found it missing.
And just one minute ago I found it in my pencil case and I promise you that I NEVER put it in,
this is so scary.

You know when I was younger I'd always whisper a little prayer whenever I misplaced my stuffs and I'd find it the very next moment.
Still happens (:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This is so terrible,
currently I'm hooked on this HK drama serial on Channel 55 that I must watch every single night.

Why do I constantly feel as though my A levels are in jeopardy?

And if you hadn't already notice the haze these days is so so bad that I'm forced to stay at home.
Not that I'll consider it a bad thing altogether,
but studying at home can get really boring at times.
Oh well...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Peperoni's and Island Creamery last night to celebrate Cordee's and Annie's birthday.

Anyway it was the last day of college yesterday too.
So fast.

Three weeks to A's :/

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Right now, I wish that my iPod Video would come back to life ):
Hello Cordelia, Happy Birthday Love.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Haha the mom was trying to teach me how to forge her signature.

Anyway I hate Vectors so so much.
I spent an entire day on it but I still feel so clueless.

Popeye's for supper,
I am gonna grow omegaly faaaaat.
And I think it's so unfair that I study with Nathanael and eat almost exactly what he eats but he gets to lose 3kg but I don't.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Ewww I was eating my Pistachio nuts when a worm crawled out of one of them.
Yucks, I am so disgusted.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Oh yay, the Aunty just stocked up my coffee and tea ammunition for the studying sessions.

I have never in my entire life felt so reliant on caffeine.
Let's just hope it does me more good than harm.
On any given Friday night, we'd drive a hundred miles, between the Sonic and the grocery store, laughing all the while;

Today was a good day because I met Nicolette, Corinne, Yuka and Cuifen.
And even though it was only for a short while,
it made me really really happy.

Temporary booster for the A's til I chance upon another thing that'll make me smile.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

It's hanging on when your heart has had enough, it's giving more when you feel like giving up.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I'm so envious that the older sister is so free til the extent that she's filling nerds into tiny bottles smaller than my little finger while I'm here slogging my guts out studying.

Currently, I've got a Love-Hate relationship with my life if you hadn't already noticed.
But then again, I guess it's something any other A level kid is going through too.
I just flipped through my guest book from The White Party,
makes me smile all the time.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Oh yahh and Timmy gave me a Mr Greedy keychain a couple of days ago and I put it on my phone to remind myself how much I'm getting so much fatter every single day that I'm starting to look like Mr Greedy because I've got such bad eating habits.

And my complexion is getting so terrible due to my excessive lack of sleep everyday.
See life sucks, throw rocks at it times one thousand times.

Shucks I feel so so whinny today.

Okay just one last thing to whine about.
I don't know why but I always feel so tired during school hours but once the clock passes 12am I'm super duper awake.

That's all, time for bed now, good night people (:
I'm sorry if this place gets a little boring for you because my life is really That boring with endless studying everyday.
Not that I detest studying or anything,
but I just feel so deprived.

I miss my friends and the only people I meet these days are Nathanael and Kelly.
I don't even see Salad that often, even though we're in the same college.

Exactly two months more,
Press on Aileen, you'll be missing this.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

The fact that I'm still awake even though it's close to 3am and not feel one bit tired shows how effective caffeine is on me.
This is why I can't drink coffee,
it's effects are too potent.
It's the weekends again,
not that the weekends are any better than the weekdays.
But yes, I guess it sounds nice enough.

Anyway it's OCTOBER already.
Freaking fasssssssssssssssst,
freeedoooommm is THIS close,
I really can't wait, I think.

And yes I won't go with my incessant ramblings on how bad studying is,
cause it really isn't that bad.
Just really really, really draining.

My right ear hurts really really badly,
feels like there's a tumour in it or something.
(Touch wood)
But it's really painful.

Time to SGC my life away now.